An Innovative approach to Innovation

Innovation, interruption, disruption: change is, paradoxically, the only constant in today’s world. Innovation affects all aspects of our lives today. It definitely drives the strategy of companies. It is also the key to prosperity in the world.

CEO of Prodware, President of the Commission on Digital Strategies of the METI

In such a context, constant disruption has become the norm, and the faster and faster calling into question of all traditional models has given way to a dominant evolutionary principle. Appreciating these massive changes consists therefore in embracing a shift in perspective, showing clear discernment in letting go of the past to better forge ahead. Engaging in such a move forward implies overcoming a certain number of roadblocks be they psychological, organizational, technological, financial or economic. Taking the Plunge! A Different Take on Innovation clearly demonstrates that what lie behind these obstacles are massive potentialities and that they are within everyone’s reach. Alain Conrard helps us understand that adapting does not mean to grin and bear it.

Adapting to innovation and the frantic pace it imposes on all of society and all societies for that matter, begins with clearly figuring out what it is. And at the same time, grasping where it fits in.

Why do we need innovation? What is the purpose of innovation? Or rather, what should it be? Is innovation an opportunity or a threat? Setting aside the obvious boon to the economy, there is a need to determine a middle ground though. While innovation can really help a business, it could have negative consequences on the environment and society.

This era of constant innovation could cause many people, and rightly so, to feel unsettled. Leveraging that incredible revamping and inventing dynamic it fosters, implies therefore discerning the positive progress it brings with it, as much as the risks and excesses that potentially stem from it.

At a time when a new world is surfacing in which the human being may gradually be shut out by the dizzying advancement of innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence, robots and machines, Alain Conrard, on the contrary, sheds new light on innovation with more inclusiveness and control. And this is where his humanistic approach kicks in.

This new culture of innovation has placed the end user, the human being, at the heart of the innovation dynamic, completely upsetting the designing, manufacturing and even distribution processes of a product or service. The needs of the end user are now the starting point of the innovation process. Customer experience has become pivotal: the “utributor” plays an active role in the innovation process whereas the user is simply a spectator.

Innovation calls for a whole new mindset. Hence, Taking the Plunge! A Different Take on Innovation does not boil down to describing the technological and economic aspects of this phenomenon. Alain Conrard tackles the political, moral and sometimes philosophical considerations and gives new insight into his global and innovative approach addressing the concerns that arise. Alain Conrard’s seminal work shows that innovation makes sense only if benefits all, if it seeks to achieve progress beyond the only economic focus. With telling examples and narratives, Alain Conrard sets the stage for innovation with positive societal and environmental impacts.

Taking the Plunge! conveys that idea, that of innovation’s fundamental role in society in the years to come.

With his extensive experience in the fields of consulting and in the software industry supporting businesses in their digital transformation journey, Alain Conrard’s intention with Taking the Plunge! A Different take on Innovation, is to promote innovation that brings value and purpose to mankind, society, economic growth and overall wellbeing.